Caught up at last! 

Caught up at last!

Hello people!

At last we have had time to catch up on our photos - have been in Phuket now for 3 weeks due to diverse illnesses (nothing serious - just the results of too much party with friends over the Thai New Year and Easter period) and so been able to relax and get all of our photos online... so here they come!

Erawan Shrine in Bangkok:
001 Erawan Shrine

Shark's fin soup in Chinatown, Bangkok... and no, we didn't go in!
002 Shark Fin Soup Chinatown

Border crossing to Cambodia - loads of Cambodians waiting to cross to Thailand - and us going in the other direction...
003 Border Cambodia

The boat from the border at Koh Kong to Sihanoukville, the up and coming beach resort of Cambodia:
004 Boat Sihanoukville

Beach again at last!
005 Title Sihanoukville

Help, where's the winter!!!!
006 Beach Help

Mantis prawns for breakfast...
007 Mantis Prawns Beach

Native children enjoying the sand...
008 Kid Beach

...and us enjoying the sunset
009 Sunset Sihanoukville

Party after dark - fire-child!
010 Fire-Child Sihanoukville

Arrived in Phnom Penh - and the traffic is amazing!
011 Transport Phnom Penh

Building site in PP
012 Building Site Phnom Penh

Butcher's stall at the market in PP
013 Butcher Phnom Penh

...and a motorbike parts stall...
014 Stossdaempfer Phnom Penh

Toul Sleng Museum - evidence of Cambodia's tragic past (Khmer Rouge security service's secret prison):
015 Toul Sleng Building

016 Toul Sleng Cells

017 Toul Sleng Victims

Temples in Phnom Penh:
018 Temples Phnom Penh

The riverside in Phnom Penh - our favourite place here:
019 Riverside Phnom Penh

Vendor selling lotus flowers as offering for the shrines and temples
020 Lotus Flowers Phnom Penh

Sunset behind the Royal Palace:
021 Sunset Palace Phnom Penh

Nightlife in Phnom Penh - the girls from the Shanghai Bar:
022 Shanghai Bar Phnom Penh

On the way to Siem Reap - Cambodia's countryside
023 Countryside Cambodia

The market in Siem Reap
024 Market Siem Reap

025 Market Siem Reap 2

A day at the temples in the Angkor complex - starting at sunrise (the crowds rushing to Angkor Wat):
026 Sunrise Angkor Wat 1

Typical postcard picture of this amazing building - that really deserves it's status as one of the 7 wonders of the world:
027 Sunrise Angkor Wat 2

Our transport round the temples - and our driver:
028 Tuk Tuk

029 Bayon temple

030 Bayon Face

The elephant terrace:
031 Elephant Terrace

The East gate of Angkor Thom - featured in the film "Tomb Raider" with Angelina Jolie....
032 Gate Angkor Thom (Tomb Raider)

Ta Prohm - one of the temples where the jungle has been left to take over...
033 Tree Temple 1

034 Tree Temple 2

...and Angkor Wat again, in the full of the day:
035 Angkor Wat

Public transport in Cambodia (Dornbirner Stadtbus)...
001 Bus Cambodia

Arriving in Vietnam:
Life on, in and around the Mekong River:
002 River Life Vietnam

003 Fishing Vietnam

010 Laundry

Chau Doc (near the border with Cambodia):
009 Chau Doc

Our first night in Vietnam - in a small village near Chau Doc where the only people speaking English were themselves tourists!

Sunset from our guest house on the hill - which was otherwise grotty:
006 Sunset Chau Doc

The Women's Temple, centre of the day's festivities - the whole village was full of market stalls, etc.:
004 Women

Offerings for Buddha and the spirits:
005 Offerings

Typical vietnamese boats - our transport to the floating fishing villages and Cham (ethnic moslems) village:
007 Vietnamese Boats

Fish farm:
008 Fish Farm

Our homestay in the small village of Phong Dien, near Can Tho (further down the Mekong Delta - 2nd night Vietnam)
011 Homestay Chau Doc

Boat eyes for safe sailing:
012 Boat Eyes

Floating market in Can Tho - the poles show what each boat has for sale:
013 Floating Market

Reunion with the Aussies (Ryan and Andrew) we met up in Chiang Mai (North Thailand) - pure chance!
014 Reunion Aussies

Menu in Vietnamese... with some unusual options!
015 Menu in Vietnamese

Arrived in Saigon / Ho Chi Minh City - the traffic here is even more shocking than in Cambodia! They all drive at once, nobody ever stops at traffic lights or crossings, pure anarchy / chaos!!!!
016 Traffic Saigon

Asia's favourite - rice rice and more rice!
017 Rice Rice Rice

Beautiful lacquerware for sale at the market:
018 Lacquerware

Saigon by night:
019 Saigon at Night

Travelling northwards - the amazing dunes at Mui Ne:
020 Dunes Mui Ne

Rice paddies:
021 Rice Paddies

Typical roadside restaurant - filling up the sauce bottles:
014 ketchupabfuellung auf vietnamesisch

Typical vietnamese costume - and school uniform:
015 schuluniform vietnam

Propaganda signs for the communist state:
016 propagandaschild vietnam

Pigs trotters for sale - yum!!!!:
017 verkauf von schweinefuessen

Lady sewing:
018 frauenarbeit

Dried lizards - the vietnamese really do eat everything!!!!
019 eidechse getroknet am spiess

The Aussies again.... we just can't get rid of them!!!! Met up again in Nha Trang, by chance of course - and in Hoi An as well!
020 sarahs kollegen ryan

Restaurant table after a typical vietnamese meal - looks like a rubbish tip!
021 tisch navh vietnamesenbesuch

4 island tour from Nha Trang - a real highlight! The only tour where we DIDN'T get ripped off in Vietnam!!!

Lunch buffet on the boat:
022 mittagsbuffet beim inseltrip

Floating bar with free flowing Vietnamese wine...
023 meerbar mit weintrinken

Our 3-day tour of the world-famous Halong Bay - a UNESCO World Heritage Site rapidly being destroyed by the Vietnamese themselves... very sad.

Leaving Halong harbour - along with hundreds of other boats, most of them more impressive than our own:
024 start zum halongbaytrip

Viewpoint on Titop Island - where 2 members of our tour got left behind for 2 hours!!!!
025 aussichtspunkt halongbay

One of many islands...
026 felsformationen

Sungsot Cave:
027 hohle in halongbay

View from the cave entrance:
028 bootsanlegesteg fuer hoehle

Bad weather coming up over the bay...
029 schlechtwetteraufzug halongbay

Sunset before our night on the boat:
001 sonnenuntergang mit segelboot

Fishing village - they live here all day every day:
002 Megavilla halongbay

Sunset over Lan Ha Bay near Cat Ba island - where we had been kayaking:
003 sonnenuntergang halongbay

Back in Bangkok - fun with 4 english teachers on Khao San Road (condom inflation):
004 bangkok kondom am kopf

Arrived in Phuket... and a storm's brewing:
006 stark bewoelkt patong

Sarah's new taxi service in Patong:
007 sarahs neuer taxiservice

Songkran (Thai New Year) on the Bangla Road - wet wet wet!!!!
008 songkran

Weapons loaded and ready to head into the fight:
009 songkran ausruestung

Dinner with Austrian friends and Thai ladies:
010 gruppenfoto patong

Easter Sunday - beer beer and more beer - a traditional Austrian Easter!
011 ostersonntaghock

... and the results...
012 ostersonntags trinkauswirkungen

Sunset on Patong Beach:
013 sonnenuntergang patong

Hope all is well with you all back home (and of course with those of you lucky enough to be travelling too) - send us some snow, it's hot down here!!!

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